Rideshare2Vote Aware is the only year-round LGBTQ+ transport program that is designed by queer people, for queer people. We offer safe and reliable transportation solutions! When mass transit is not a comfortable option, you do not have access to personal transportation, or you are experiencing concerns with the voting process, choose PRide2Vote!
At Rideshare2Vote Aware, we believe that uplifting every voice–regardless of sexual orientation, gender identity, or level of openness with queerness–is essential to developing a democracy that truly represents the people of our nation.
That’s why we partner with local nonprofit organizations to provide YOU the safety to express your interests and vote for change. Help us partner with local groups.
Why Choose PRide2Vote?
- Reservation of rides
- Free and round-trip access to polls
- Helpful and respectful drivers
- Driver training centered on queer allyship
- Familiarity with local voting laws
- Discrete design to protect identities of our riders
- Both single-rider and carpooling options offered
Reserve your PRide2Vote Here
Experience the safe, efficient, friendly service we offer. Our trained drivers are prepared to assure you can get your ballot cast at your local polling location.

When to use PRide2Vote service?
- Anytime during an election in your area
- You suspect you may have been removed from voter rolls and need assistance
- You do not typically feel safe using public transit
- You feel safer visiting the polls with a friend
- You experienced difficulty requesting, receiving, or returning your mail-in ballot (including missing the deadline)
- You prefer to drop off your mail-in ballot at your local polling place
- You want a safe and comfortable voting experience